The Continental: From the World of John Wick, often more simply known as The Continental, is a television series set in the John Wick universe, focusing on the Continental Hotel featured in the films. It takes the focus away from John Wick, instead, focusing on a new protagonist. The show premiered on Peacock on September 22, 2023 in the United States and on Amazon Prime Video internationally.
The show features several characters from the film series. Whom these are is presently unknown. The show's producers have stated they have ideas for "at least three seasons" of the television show, provided it achieves sufficient commercial and critical success. The show is written by Chris Collins, backed up by a large portion of the creative team from the John Wick films acting as executive producers. This includes the director, co-director, producer, and screenwriter from the films, as well as Keanu Reeves.
In April 2021, Chairman of Lionsgate Television Kevin Beggs announced that the series will center around a young Winston in the 1970s. The series will explore real-world events, including the Great Garbage Strike and the American Mafia's rise to economic power. He announced that the project's plot had been difficult to develop, with the studio having taken various pitches from different creative teams, before the creators of Wayne presented the concept that they settled upon. The first season will be released as three 90-minute episodes, making The Continental a limited series. In October 2021, it was announced that Mel Gibson would star in the series as Cormac, with Colin Woodell cast as a young Winston. Hubert Point-Du Jour as Miles, Jessica Allain as Lou, Mishel Prada as KD, Nhung Kate as Yen, and Ben Robson as Frankie were also added to the cast.
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